I receive a message that my address already exists in the system.

This message means that you have already registered in the system in the past and have an account in it, people who already have an account in the system do not have to register again.

I forget pasword?

A forgotten password can be reset using the forgot password function in the login section.

What does * mean when describing a field (e.g. Email *)?

This sign means that this is a mandatory field.

Another problem with registration

Contact the customer service center CONTACT.

Is there a fee to participate in the fair?

Admission to the fair is free upon registration. Some of the accompanying events are paid - tickets can be purchased by registering for the fair and going to the SHOP tab or by contacting our project team CONTACT.

I am interested in participating in the fair. How can I buy a ticket?

Admission to the fair is free upon registration. Some of the accompanying events are paid - tickets can be purchased by registering for the fair and going to the SHOP tab or by contacting our project team (CONTACT tab).

Is it possible to participate online?

NO. The fair takes place only in stationary mode.

Will video footage be available after the fair?

NO. The fair takes place only in stationary mode.

I'm a journalist. How can I obtain accreditation?

Media representatives are encouraged to register at the link: MEDIA.